"Windows Vista Sidebar and Gadgets"

Vista has a new desktop feature called Windows Vista Sidebar.

The Sidebar contains tools, called gadgets, displayed as icons along the right side of your screen by default.

You can choose to display or remove the sidebar from the desktop. You also can change or remove the gadget completely from the sidebar if you wish.

To setup the Windows Vista Sidebar

  • If the Windows Sidebar is not appear on the desktop by default, you need to set it up by right-click the Windows Sidebar icon on the Windows taskbar (system tray area) and choose Properties.

Windows Vista sidebar icons

  • From the Windows Sidebar Properties dialog box displayed, check the Sidebar Is Always on Top of Other Windows check box.

Windows Vista sidebar properties

  • You can also enable Start Sidebar When Windows Starts to ensure that the Sidebar always displays when you start your computer.
  • Click Apply and then OK button.

To get rid of the Windows Vista Sidebar

  • Hide it by right-clicking a blank spot on the Sidebar. From the shortcut menu, choose Close Sidebar.
  • This technique just hides the actual Sidebar rectangle. It doesn't close any gadgets that you've moved onto your screen, and it's still technically running, using memory.
  • If you wish to make the Sidebar appear again, right-click on the Windows Sidebar icon and choose Bring Gadgets to Front.
  • To quit the sidebar completely, just right-click on the Windows Sidebar icon. From the shortcut menu, choose Exit.

If you close the Sidebar, you can still work with those gadgets by moving the gadgets from the Sidebar and place them on the desktop.

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