"Windows Vista Gadgets : What You Can Do With It?"

Windows Vista Gadgets is a new feature being introduced in Vista that appears in the Windows Sidebar.

From the Windows Sidebar, you can quickly access various handy features to write down great thoughts, calculate numbers, feed online data direct to your desktop, and more.

Here's what you can do with the Windows Vista gadgets:

Work with words and images.
Notes is like an onscreen sticky notepad, where you can jot reminders or ideas on the fly. Slide Show is a continuous slide show of the photos in your Pictures folder.

Manipulate numbers.
The Windows Calculator doesn't fit in the palm of your hand, but it does offer a little onscreen calculator that you can use to push numbers around. Punch numbers in by using your mouse or keyboard instead of your finger, and you can handle even complex calculations with ease.

Play with puzzles.
Two neat little puzzles, Number Puzzle and Picture Puzzle, allow you to play games that are so tiny, even your boss won't notice you're not actually working.

Work with online data.
The Feed Watcher and Feed Viewer allow you to grab data from online RSS feeds (a format used for syndication of news and other content), such as the latest news or other useful information. Stocks and Currency Conversion provide up-to-the-minute data on stocks and currency values.

Plus a couple more gadgets.
If you want to see how long it takes you to complete one of the puzzle gadgets (or do anything else), use the Timer gadget! The CPU Meter provides up-to-date information about your computer processor speed and available memory.

Of course all the Windows Vista gadgets is not static, you can add, move or detach any gadgets from the Sidebar. Here is how:

To move a gadget

  • Click and drag the gadget around the screen.
  • You can drag all of the gadgets off the Sidebar and park them anywhere on the screen OR
  • Right-click the gadget and from the shortcut menu, choose Detach from Sidebar.

To rearrange gadgets within the Sidebar

  • Just drag them up or down, using any blank spot as a handle.

To add a gadget to the Sidebar

  • Click the Gadgets symbol (a plus sign) at the top of the Sidebar to display a list of available gadgets OR
  • Right-click any gadget on the Sidebar (or the Sidebar notification-area icon) and choose Add Gadget from the Sidebar.
Add gadgets dialog box

  • From the Add Gadgets dialog box displayed, double-click a gadget or drag it to a blank spot on your Sidebar.
  • Click the Close button to close the dialog box.

Note: If you add more gadgets than can be shown in the single Sidebar, use the Previous and Next arrows at the top of the Sidebar to move from one set of gadgets to the next.

To close a gadget

  • You'll see the square X button appear at the gadget's top-left corner, click on it OR
  • Right-click a gadget and choose Close Gadget from its shortcut menu.

To learn how to use those Windows Vista gadgets, follow the tutorial here

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