Windows 7 Taskbar Shortcuts

Discover the secrets keys behind the Windows 7 taskbar shortcuts!

In Windows 7, using the Windows logo key along with the numbers 1-9 will let you interact with the applications pinned to the taskbar in those positions.

For example, the combination of Windows logo key + 4 would launch Microsoft Office Outlook, or Windows logo key + Alt + 4 can be used to get quick access to the Microsoft Office Outlook Jump List from the keyboard.

You can use any of these shortcut combinations to launch the applications in their respective position on the taskbar, or more:

1. Windows logo key + number (1-9)
Starts the application pinned to the taskbar in that position, or switches to that program.

2. Shift + Windows logo key + number (1-9)
Starts a new instance of the application pinned to the taskbar in that position.

3. Ctrl + Windows logo key + number (1-9)
Cycles through open windows for the application pinned to the taskbar in that position.

4. Alt + Windows logo key + number (1-9)
Opens the Jump List for the application pinned to the taskbar.

5. Windows logo key + T
Focus and scroll through items on the taskbar.

6. Windows logo key + B
Focuses the System Tray icons

In addition, you can interact with the taskbar using your mouse and a modifier key:

7. Shift + Click on a taskbar button
Open a program or quickly open another instance of a program.

8. Ctrl + Shift + Click on a taskbar button
Open a program as an administrator.

9. Shift + Right-click on a taskbar button
Show the window menu for the program.

10. Shift + Right-click on a grouped taskbar button
Show the window menu for the group.

11. Ctrl + Click on a grouped taskbar button
Cycle through the windows of the group.

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