Windows 7 Screen Saver Settings

Are you using Windows 7 Screen Saver? And why using the screen saver?

The screen savers are blank screens or moving images that are displayed on your monitor screen after some period of inactivity.

In the past, screen savers were used to prevent monitors from being permanently "imprinted" with the same display remains on the screen for extended periods of time.

Today, monitors are not susceptible to this kind of damage, but you might still want to use a screen saver for the following reasons:

  • for entertainment
  • hides the on screen information when you are away from your desk.

If you prefer to use the Windows 7 screen saver, keep in mind that some standard themes do not include screen savers.

You can open the Screen Saver Settings dialog box, and choose a new screen saver to use, customize the amount of idle time before the screen saver kicks in, and adjust your monitor and hard drive power settings (by clicking the Change Power Settings link).

To set the screen saver

  • Right-click a blank area on the desktop, and then click Personalize.
  • From the Personalization dialog box, click Screen Saver (at the bottom of the screen) to open the Screen Saver Settings dialog box.
  • Windows 7 screen saver

  • Under the Screen saver section, select a screen saver from the drop-down menu. After a few moments, the preview window displays how the screen saver will appear.
  • Click SettingsĀ… button and select the options you want for the screen saver, and then click OK.
  • Click Preview to see the screen saver in full-screen view, and then move your mouse to end the preview.
  • In the Wait: menu, specify the time to wait until your computer starts the screen saver.
  • Select or clear the On resume, display logon screen check box.
  • Click Apply and then OK.

Note: If you wish to turn off the screen saver, click None from the Screen Saver list arrow. The Power management section of the Screen Saver Settings dialog box allows you to select and customize power plans for your computer.

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