Managing Windows 7 File By Knowing The Types of the File!

Windows 7 File is associated with program and tools, as well as the files you create to contain your information, are stored in folders on hard disk drives and other storage devices.

Files occupy a certain amount of space rated either in kilobytes (KB, or thousands of bytes) or megabytes (MB, or millions of bytes) on a particular disk, be it your hard drive, a CD-ROM, a DVD, or even, in very rare cases, a removable floppy disk.

Windows 7 File Types
There are many different types of files, but they all fall into these two basic categories:

1) Files used or created by programs
These include executable files and dynamic link libraries (DLLs). Some of these files may be hidden to protect them from being inadvertently changed or deleted.

2) Files created by you
These include documents, worksheets, graphics, text files, presentations, audio or video clips, and other things that you can open, look at, and change by using one or more programs.

Each filename in Windows 7 consists of two parts: a file name and a file extension.

File name is just the name of a file and the file extension, which identifies the type of file and what program created it. Normally it's three characters, although extensions for newer apps such as Microsoft Office Word 2007 (.docx), .html for Web pages, are four characters.

File extensions are automatically assigned by the creating program, and Windows 7 doesn't normally display extensions as part of file names that appear in Windows Explorer.

In Windows 7, files are assigned distinctive file icons indicating the type of file along with the file names. These icons help you quickly identify the type of file when you're browsing the files in your folders.

An icon also enables you to launch the appropriate program while at the same time opening the file by simply double-clicking its file icon.

To create an empty Windows 7 file that holds a certain type of information

  • Open the Windows Explorer window where the new file is required.
  • Right-click a blank area in the window's display area and then choose New from the shortcut menu that appears.
  • Windows 7 create new file

  • Choose the type of file you want to create (for example, Microsoft Office Word Document) from the New submenu.
  • Replace the temporary filename (such as New Microsoft Word Document) by typing a name of your choosing and pressing Enter.

You have complete control over the files you create (such as documents and worksheets), and knowing how to manage these files is essential if you want to be able to use your computer efficiently.

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