Update Windows 7: Turn On and Applying the Automatic Updates in Windows 7

How to update Windows 7 automatically?

Well, just turn on the Automatic Updates feature in Windows and on a regular basis, Windows will automatically determine if any updates are available, download the updates (must connect online), and install them.

If Automatic Updates feature was not turned on during installation, you can do that at any time and control the updating process once it is turned on. The following steps will show you how to do that:

To turn on automatic updates

  • Click Start and click Control Panel.
  • From the Control Panel window, in the Category view, click on System and Security.
  • Windows 7 system and security

  • From the System and Security window displayed, click the Windows Update.
  • Windows 7 windows update

  • From the Windows Update window displayed, click Change settings link in the left hand side panel of the window.
  • Windows 7 update change settings

  • From the windows displayed, click the Important Updates down arrow to determine the amount of automation you want, and click one of the following four choices:

  • - The first are default and recommended choice, which automatically determines if there are updates that are needed, downloads them, and then installs them on a frequency and at a time you specify.
    - The second choice automatically determines if there are updates that are needed and downloads them; it then asks you whether you want to install them.
    - The third choice automatically determines if there are updates that are needed, asks you before downloading them, and asks you again before installing them.
    - The fourth choice, which is not recommended, never checks for updates.

  • Choose other updates settings as needed.
  • Click OK when you are finished, and close Windows Update window.
If you choose either the second or third option for handling updates, you will periodically see a notice that updates are ready to download and/or install (as describe below).

To update Windows 7

  • When you see the notice appear in the system notifications area (as shown below), click the notice.
  • Windows 7 update notice

  • The Windows Updates dialog box will appear and show you the updates that are available.
  • Click the individual updates to see detailed information for the updates being proposed.
  • Click on the check box for the updates you want to download and/or install, and then click OK.
  • After you have selected all the updates you want, click Install Updates. You will see a notice that the updates are being installed.
  • When the updates have been downloaded and installed, Windows Update will reopen, tell of this fact, and often ask to restart your computer.
  • Close any open programs, and click Restart Now button.

The update Windows 7 feature will updates the latest additions to the operating system to make it better and more secure.

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