"Test Network Connection - How to Test a Network Setup and Connectivity?"
How to test network connection to know whether it's working fine or not?
If a network having problem, you can use the special command line in Windows 7 to test a TCP/IP installation. The following are three most commonly used commands:
Ipconfig - used to determine if a network configuration has been initialized and if an IP address is assigned. If an IP address and valid subnet mask are returned, the configuration is initialized and there are no duplicates for the IP address. If a subnet mask of is returned, the IP address is a duplicate.
Hostname - used to determine the computer name of the local computer.
Ping - used to query either the local or another computer on the network to see whether it responds.
To test network connection
Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, and click Command PromptFrom the Command Prompt window displayed, type: ipconfig and press Enter. The IP address and subnet mask of the current computer should be returned. If this did not happen, there is a problem with the current configuration.
Type: hostname and press Enter. The computer name of the local computer should be returned.
Type: ping, follow by the name of another computer on your network, and press Enter. You should get four replies from the other computer.
If Ping did not work with a remote computer, try it on the current computer by typing: ping and pressing Enter. Again, you should get four replies, this time from the current computer.
If you didn't get a reply here, you have a problem with either the network setup or the NIC. If you did get a reply here, but not in the above step (on remote computer), then there is a problem either in the other computer or in the cable and devices connecting them.
Close the Command Prompt window.
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