"How to Stop Hackers or Preventing Hackers Attacks?"

Do you really know how to stop hackers from attacking your computer?

Using firewall is one of the very common solutions for this. Do you know what is firewall?

Firewall is a device or program that blocks outsiders from accessing a computer connected to the Internet. Some firewalls also monitor data traffic outbound from a computer or network.

Computer firewall

There are two basic types of firewalls:

  • Software firewall - Windows comes with its own built-in firewall, but you can also install a third-party software firewall with better features. Here are my recommendation for desktop firewall software and business firewall software.
  • Hardware firewall - These firewalls are physical devices. For home users, their home network router has a firewall function, but advanced hardware firewalls are built for businesses.

Besides the firewalls, here are some precautions steps to protect against hackers.

1. Always update Windows (windowsupdate.microsoft.com) and install all critical patches. You can found tutorial on update Windows here.

2. Run and update your virus signature files every time you use it.

3. Read a website's privacy statement and software license agreements. These provide you with clues to any misuse of your personal information when using these sites or about programs you download.

4. Don't open on email attachments or mail messages that come from unknown sources.

5. Try don't install P2P programs such as Napster, Kazaa, ChainCast, or any software from an unknown source. The former will turn your computer into a server and the latter may contain trojans and viruses.

6. Turn off your hard disk C:\ drive sharing. If you must share a disk/drive, make sure it requires a password. Otherwise, anyone in the Internet can use your computer to back up their files without your knowledge.

7. If you can't close a pop-up window, never click OK, Agree, or Close inside the body of the window. Only close the window by clicking the X in the top-right corner of the window.

8. Put a good password on your PC. If you have a password on your PC that is easy to guess, your computer can be easily taken over by hackers.

9. Windows PCs with static IP addresses are especially easy targets. You should always set "Obtain an IP address automatically" in Windows unless you are running a server and you are knowledgeable in computer security.

10. Only download files or programs from websites you trust.

With these 10 tips on how to stop hackers attacks or at least prevent the hackers come to your PC easily, I believe you have more knowledge and ready to prevent from anything bad happening to your PC.

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