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Welcome to the free computer newsletter info page. You can download two computer related ebooks for free if you subscribe to the Computer Tips newsletter.

Yes, to thank you for stopping by this site, I'd like to give you two free e-books available for download immediately.

The e-books are in downloadable pdf format. It is related to the latest Windows 7 operating system while the other one is a computer acronyms ebook.

FREE Download The E-books NOW!

1. The Windows 7 Guide

This 140-page colorful e-book provides the absolute guide to the Windows latest operating system - Windows 7.

the Windows 7 guide

It a visual quick reference guide that shows you how to work efficiently with Windows 7, discover the new and improved features that designed to make life easier for you.

2. The Ultimate Computer Acronyms

This is 174-page ebooks. If you are new to computer, maybe it's hard to understand the different computer jargons or terms that being used when reading computer manuals or when you are online.

computer acronyms

This ebook let you to search and found those terms and explain to you're the meaning of the terms. It's the most comprehensive manual for the computer acronyms.

Free Download Instructions:

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Important Notes (Must Read):

Right after that you’ll be sent an e-mail that tell you where to download the outrageously popular "The Windows 7 Guide" and "The Ultimate Computer Acronyms" e-books instantly.

Once you receive the email, do remember to click a confirmation link in the email in order to receive my free Computer Tips newsletter that contains valuable update and information that will guarantee to benefit you.

If for some reason you do not receive the email with the download URL in it, please check your bulk/spam folder. It is possible that the email was placed in another folder other than your inbox.

If you still have not received the email after a few hours of you subscribing, please click here to contact me.

I wish you all the best!

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